Leesville’s Model UN Attends DUMUNC

Leesville’s Model U.N. club poses for a picture after the Duke Model U.N. Conference. Several students were recognized or given awards at the end of the conference.

Leesville Road High School’s Model U.N. club attended the Duke Model United Nations Conference from February 16 to 19. This marked the fourth year in a row that the club has attended this conference.

Leesville  walked away with one “Best Delegate,” or first place award, one “Outstanding Delegate,” award, and several verbal commendations.

“We did really well. We had a lot of new members, and they were very outgoing. We had some who received commendations…so for our first major conference I think we did very well,” said Tushar Varma, the Vice President of Model U.N.

This was the club’s second major conference of the year. Their last conference of the year will be the Chapel Hill Model U.N. Conference, also known as MUNCH, next weekend.

“I personally have always liked MUNCH more because I feel like it’s a more intimate conference…so I just feel like MUNCH is more fun and I feel like we’ll enjoy it more as a school,” said Varma.

After the UNC conference, the club will continue to meet regularly and practice for next year. For information on how to join Model U.N. next year, contact Ms. Mosley at nmosley@wcpss.net.


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