Class of 2017 senior wall exceeds expectations

The senior wall features several bright colors that make up the face of the lion, our school's mascot. The painters of the wall spent several weeks working diligently on perfecting the class of 2017 wall.

The creation of the senior wall is a beloved tradition at Leesville Road High School. Each year, the new senior class paints a creative picture representing what they want to be remembered for.

The painting of the senior wall is a tradition that’s been around for nine years, and has always been one of the most memorable traditions. This year’s wall features a captivating, and colorful picture of a lion which serves as a perfect representation of what the 2017 class is all about: standing out.

The creation of the senior wall was no small project. It took sessions of four hours or more to plan and paint the wall. Anyone with a creative idea sent in a design idea to the class president, Carson Rainey, and she posted them all on the Facebook page. Seniors then voted on which design they liked best. In the end, Rainey’s design of the colorful lion won by a long shot.

Any senior with decent artistic ability could help in the making of the wall. This year, there were four students who helped create the masterpiece: Alexa Garbarino, Carson Rainey, Anika Bardaxis, and Nola Baldwin — who is heavily involved in the arts departments at Leesville.

Baldwin is more than satisfied with the turnout.  “I really like it. I think it’s very full, it’s colorful and rich. In past years, you’ve had to try and figure out what the wall is, but I think this years is pretty straightforward and sends a clear message. The lion really stands out and it pretty much sums up what our class is all about.”
The wall is supposed to promote the school spirit and enhance the school’s image. This year’s wall definitely boosted the image of Leesville aesthetically. The class of 2017, and all of the Leesville community, is extremely proud of this year’s wall.   


  1. Nice article, and by far the best senior wall I’ve ever seen at LRHS. I’ve seen the senior walls going back to 2009, and this one is in a class by itself.


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