Leesville Panels Prep Parents for College

The LRHS PTSA is a heavily involved association that puts on events like the College Parent Panel. Here, parents of rising college freshmen can ask questions about the challenges that they’ll face.

As the end of the year draws closer, seniors are beginning to feel the pressure of actually attending college. Finals and AP exams signify the end of the year, meaning there are just months left until previously sheltered students are suddenly independent adults. This can be a nerve-wracking period for both the graduating seniors and their parents.

For some, kicking another kid out of the house is a major relief; for others, surrendering a child to college is a longer, more emotional process. Leesville provides the Parent College Panel to help parents understand and be comfortable with this change.

On Tuesday, April 26 at 6:30 in the Cafeteria, the LRHS PTSA will host parents of college students to talk about their experience in the transition. The panel will discuss what to expect over the coming months, as well as what to do to help prepare your child. Specifically, the panel will talk about packing lists, food plans, textbooks, laptops, and account balancing.

“As a first-time parent of a senior, I found the college parent panel to be very helpful because as a parent you have many questions about what college will be like and how to prepare for sending off your child. I liked that they talked about a variety of topics and included little details and tips,” said Tina Subasic, a parent of the college class of 2017. Subasic was comforted by the community of people and knowing that she was not alone.

“The part I found most beneficial was the discussion on what your student should take with them for their room. I received a recommended packing list that night that we still use today. I loved the tips about furniture and what to leave home,” she added.


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