Mainstage hosts their second movie night

People that attended the second Mainstage Movie Night pose for a group picture. Abbie Johnson (front center) shows her spirit by wearing pink Elmo footie pajamas. (Photo Courtesy Kayla Fortson)


On October 24, Leesville’s highest theatre class, Mainstage, held, a movie night in the Blackbox with a $5 suggested donation. Due to the football game that evening, two movies were shown. Beetlejuice showed at approximately 5 p.m, and Halloweentown showed at 7 p.m, both Halloween themed. More people showed up for the first movie, then left at 6:30 to catch the football game.

On Sept. 25, Mainstage held their first movie night which featured Napoleon Dynamite. “We had quite a few students who showed up,” said Ms.Tarson, theatre teacher. Mainstage ended up raising over $400 for their trip booked to Chicago on November 19-22.

Over the first quarter, Mainstage has held several fundraisers for their trip to Chicago including the movie night mentioned above. On October 16, they held a Dance-a-thon in which they raised about $2500, and earlier that week on October 13, Mainstage held A Chick-fil-a night.

Anna Young, senior, is excited for their trip to Chicago. Besides getting a chance to miss school, Mainstage is planning to learn new aspects of theatre that they can’t learn within a classroom.  

“It’s going to be really awesome because we get to expand our knowledge on theatre,” said Young.

During the trip to Chicago, Mainstage plans to tour the theatre department of DePaul University and watch six theatre productions: Treasure Island at the Lookingglass Theatre, Improvised Shakespeare Company at iO, Agamemnon at Court Theatre, 104th Mainstage Revue at Second City, Never the Sinner at Victory Gardens Theatre, and Ain’t Misbehavin’ at Porchlight Music Theatre.


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