Political Club politics

Juliet Simpson, current President and senior, inducts next year’s President and junior, Alec Way. The tradition is for the gavel, with which the President leads meetings, to be passed from one President to another.
Juliet Simpson, current President and senior,  inducts next year’s President and junior, Alec Way. The tradition is for the gavel, with which the President leads meetings, to be passed from one President to another.
Juliet Simpson, current President and senior, inducts next year’s President and junior, Alec Way. The tradition is for the gavel, with which the President leads meetings, to be passed from one President to another.

On Thursday, May 22, Leesville’s Political Club had their final meeting of the year. The meeting had two main agenda points. First, a brief discussion of current events — namely the recent coup in Thailand and declaration of martial law by the military — as well as officer elections. Students got into a circle to discuss the events in Thailand. As the news of the incident had just come up seemingly within hours of the meeting.

Afterwards, students rearranged the desked forward-facing to commence the elections. All but one of the officer’s positions were unopposed. Vice President, however, was contested between Heather Crew, sophomore, and Vivianne Champagne, junior.

Therefore, both gave a brief speech stating why they believed they should be the Vice President and what they had to offer the club. Candidates also met questioning both by Mrs. Dow, club advisor, and other club members. Crew was elected Vice President. Champagne however, was still elected Secretary as no one was running for the position.

Crew said, “It felt really good to be recognized by my peers as someone who’s right for the job. I follow news closely, and I think I be able to help facilitate good discussions about the matters most important to Americans. I also have other leadership, so I’m used to the administrative side of the job.”

The other candidates were also formerly inducting, ending with the President. The President, as tradition dictates is knighted by the year’s current President with the gavel that leads the meetings, and it is then passed on to the next year’s President.

The officers are as follows: Alec Way, junior, President — Heather Crew, sophomore, Vice President — Viviane Champagne, junior, Secretary — Sarah Arney, junior, Publicity Director — and Ben Beckett, junior and Treasurer.


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