Field trip for FBLA

FBLA, one of Leesville’s many clubs, took a field trip on April 17th-19th to Greensboro. They have gone to this state competition the past four years.

FBLA stands for Future Business Leaders of America. The students that are part of this club are interested in business and getting a head start on how it works.

Mrs. Robinson, the advisor for FBLA, is enthusiastic about helping the kids to learn and enjoy aspects of business.

“Each meeting the idea is to focus on something either dealing with business or service. We do a lot of service projects,” said Robinson.

The field trip focused on showing off the skills that they have learned and practiced in and outside of meetings with Mrs. Robinson. They did very well and ended up being one of the top ten finishers.

“In the field trip we [went] on, they actually competed in business-related activities. I have a group [that went] for marketing. They [were] presented a scenario and they [had] to come up with the best marketing technique to fix that scenario,” said Robinson.

To prepare for the field trip, members of FBLA picked competitions that they wanted to participate in. Then they met with Mrs. Robinson individually during Pride Period and after school to work on their portion of the competition.

“We use the meetings to get them to know each other and to work together as a team. Once they have chosen a competition, they are in small groups working whenever they can get together,” said Robinson.

FBLA participates in regional, state, and possibly national competitions. They also do service projects and social days.

“The premise of FBLA is to prepare you to be in the business world,” said Robinson.

“I enjoy the community feel, we are really involved with school. It’s a great way to learn about business, [and] it’s great experience,” said Meghan Drum, senior.


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