On usual weekends, the Leesville High School track looks like you would expect—deserted, waiting only for the coming Monday to renew its purpose.
Show up on Saturday, March 16, however, and it might look a little busier. In an effort to bring the Leesville community together for a great cause, the American Diabetes Association will host a Diabetes Walk from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
“We’re trying out to help out…not only diabetics but also students,” said Shafwat Islam, sophomore and one of several event organizers. “26 million Americans have diabetes, and a lot of them are family members and friends of ours.”
“Almost everyone knows someone with diabetes.”
Registration for walkers begins at 10 a.m. that Saturday, but students, parents and teachers alike can already begin to their show support.
The event’s web page allows interested supporters to make their donations now or, better yet, start their own fundraising campaign for the cause. Walkers can purchase T-Shirts (see design at left), as well, to help organizers meet their goal of $13,500 in fundraising for the A.D.A.
Students hoping to support a worthy cause but also earn community service hours won’t be disappointed, either. “We’re offering service hours like crazy,” said Islam. “You can get service hours for participating [and] for raising money online.”
The walk promises sunny spring skies, a day of good exercise and, of course, a great cause.
Make sure to set aside March 16 on your calendars now.
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