Seniors leave their legacy

Mr. Lyons’ pride shoes, customized with Leesville’s colors, will be donated to the school to be displayed in the trophy case. Along with the seniors, Mr. Lyons has also left a legacy at the school. Photo courtesy of Cory Maddox.

The senior class council will be installing a new PA system in the cafeteria for their class gift.

“Each year the seniors leave their mark on Leesville; our class’ song is ‘Tattoos on this Town,’ and this is the way that our class will leave a footprint at the school,” commented Kelsey Hounshell, treasurer of the senior council. “We’re hoping that the PA system will be installed over the summer, so that it can be used next school year.”

“The cafeteria is used for club meetings, drama productions, sports banquets, and other meetings,” said Mrs. Brammer, advisor of the Senior Council. “It was also supposed to be the location of the Winterfest dance, which was cancelled.  The Senior class will be paying for the installment of the new PA system as their class gift.  The new system will be customizable to reach just the pit area, or the entire cafeteria.”

There is also a surprise part to the gift. Mr. Lyons, the previous principal of the school, will be donating his customized “Pride” tennis shoes to be displayed in the trophy case at Leesville. A plaque will indicate who the shoes are from and their significance.

“Our class knows Mr. Lyons so well, and appreciates everything he brought to our school,” said Virginia Reed, senior class president.

The gift will be announced at the Senior Assembly on May 25.

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