Friday, May 27 gave seniors an opportunity to show off their blue caps and gowns, the traditional garb of graduation. But quite frankly, the actual ritual of ending the senior year doesn’t seem as glamorous as all that to me. As an underclassman, of course I envy them on some points, but from what I’ve observed I’m actually lucky on several accounts: the clothing, the ceremonies, the responsibility, and the decision making.
When I was little, I watched movies that included scenes of high school or college graduation; I loved the part where they all throw their hats into the air with a victorious cheer. I liked to see everyone dressed in unity, but having seen the seniors up-close, not only this year but in previous years also, sometimes I find myself doubting how amazing the ensemble actually is.
First off, what is with the hat? It looks like a bald cap with a blue square board on top. They’re ridiculous! And although the silk blue gowns look nice, I’ve heard many complaints about the intense heat, especially in the June weather.
“It was really hot,” said Elisabeth Jones, senior. “I was drenched by the end. I don’t know if it was nerves [while] speaking, but it was really hot.”
The second thing I’m happy I don’t have to suffer through are the tremendously boring ceremonies. In a nutshell, this was the senior assembly on Friday, May 27: the junior marshals escorted the seniors to their seats, several seniors made inspiring and reminiscent speeches, and then Principal Scott Lyons listed all $5 million worth of scholarships and awards achieved. Every. Single. One. More speeches ensued, followed by the juniors escorting the seniors out of the gym, row by row. The end.
Yes, it was monotonous and redundant for me, but I felt particularly badly for those with the last names beginning with A who had to continue standing at the edge of the gym and wait until the very last person was recognized and shook the hand of Eric Greene, the dean of counseling and student services.
Although the underclassmen suffered through this assembly, the seniors were compelled to attend several other ceremonies as well as many, many rehearsals.
“We met every Thursday for about a month and a half,” said Jones. She said most of the rehearsals were spent editing and refining the speeches, and then the last several were used to practice delivery.
But really, when graduation is all said and done, I’m glad that I don’t have to leave high school just yet because of the big change that awaits this year’s seniors. Many of them will move out, away from family, friends, and familiarity into a new territory where they will attend college. Yes, much of the decision making occurs during junior year, but now they must face the daunting challenge of adulthood.
“I’m pretty excited to get out of here,” said Jones. “It doesn’t really scare me because I’m all about new beginnings and fresh starts.”
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