First Annual Caring4Congo 3k

On March 19, the Caring4Congo foundation hosted their first annual three kilometer fun walk/run.

The Caring4Congo foundation was recently created by Andrew Byrum, Gene Kim and Bilo Hoese. The purpose of this three kilometer fun walk/run was to raise awareness about the difficulties caused by people’s electronics. African slaves harvest the minerals companies use to make devices such as cell phones and laptops.

“Students who buy these devices are indirectly funding the slavery and torture that occurs non-stop in Africa,” said Bilo Hoese, senior and co-founder. “This is an issue that should be addressed.”

The Caring4Congo crew arrived at the starting location around 9a.m. Saturday morning to set up the course and their stands. Caring4Congo had eight members and roughly fifteen participants meet in the Hawthorne neighborhood community pool at 5600 N Hawthorne Way.

There, staff members laid out pamphlets, water bottles and snacks that were all free to those who were participating in the 3k.

Light blue t-shirts that had the phrase “Is your phone a cause of WAR?” were also on sale for those willing to spend $15. Those who were participating in the walk/run needed to pay an admission fee of $10.

“Everything we [Caring4Congo] receive will directly be sent to the wonderful HEAL Africa foundation,” said Hoese.

By 10a.m., all participants had arrived and were ready to run or walk for the cause.

The course consisted of a wide variety of scenery. Runners and walkers traveled through areas ranging from moderately hilly nature trails to the flat suburban terrain of Norwood.

“One second I was running over roots on a downhill slope, then the next second I was dodging a car,” said Ryan Quinn, freshman.

To begin the race, Grant Pryzbla shot out of the starting gate to take an early twenty meter lead. He was shortly followed by Cory Fetterolf, Aaron Smith, Ryan Quinn and Mark Conrad going around the first turn.

Eventually, Ryan Quinn and Mark Conrad pull ahead of Przybyla, Fetterolf and Smith. The leaders slowed down once they felt they had enough distance between them and the people following them.

Quinn pulled ahead of Conrad within the last leg of the race to take first place. Quinn and Conrad later received Gatorades for finishing first and second.

“I was shocked to see mini-Casper [Ryan Quinn] come out of nowhere to beat me,” said Mark Conrad, senior.

Fetterolf crossed the finish line a few minutes later to complete the top three places.

Overall, the Caring4Congo foundation raised a total of $210.

“This first annual went quite well and was much more successful than we thought it was going to be,” said Hoese. “We are looking forward to the second annual Caring4Congo 3k.”

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