DECA hosts food drive

From Monday, Oct. 11 to Saturday, Oct. 16, the DECA club held a canned food drive.  This week of the canned food drive is also National DECA Week.

Ms. Monteleone, the DECA advisor, said via e-mail, “To celebrate National DECA Week, our DECA chapter here at LRHS collected canned food and non perishable food for the less fortunate here in the Raleigh area.  This is also going in our chapter’s portfolio for one of the many community service projects we have planned for the remainder of school.”

“We’re trying to raise awareness for those who don’t have food to eat,” said Brittany Saleeby, junior and DECA vice president.

Tim Crawford, junior DECA vice president, said “Personally, I have never been put in a position where I don’t have enough food, so I participate because if I was in that position I would want someone to do that for me.”

With the student body’s help, DECA collected many cans for the needy.

“Total items we collected was well over 100 items ranging from canned meats to soup to vegetable and even favorites like mac & cheese & rice a roni,” said Monteleone via e-mail.

Crawford said, “We like to do this up towards Thanksgiving, so a family can have food to eat.  Sometimes we can contact human services and get a family so that we can provide for them.  We like to collect food that they can prepare without having to go get other things to put in it.”

However this year the food is going a different route.

“The cans are going to Interfaith Food Shuttle here in the Raleigh area,” said Monteleone, via e-mail.

Incentives encouraged more people to donate cans.

Monteleone, through an e-mail interview, said, “The incentive our DECA chapter offered was:  a ticket for every item you brought in, you received a ticket to be entered into a drawing for a $20 gift card.  This incentive helped bring in more cans because it added competition between classmates and friends to see who could bring in more items.”

Whoever wins this prize, however, is a minute detail.  The real reason for participation is to help out a family in need.  The cans collected will do this.

“The look on the faces of the families that receive the food is priceless.  It makes you feel good when you see their reaction and proud that you helped out,” said Crawford when describing his previous canned food drive experience.

DECA members are looking forward to having an experience similar to Crawford’s experience last year again this year.

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