LRHS hosts ninja fight

On Thursday, March 4, there was a ninja fight staged in the front lobby.

Ms. Scioli’s fourth period Sociology class was recently assigned a project on Japanese culture.  The range of topics spanned from cultural food to dating practices, but Becca Hahn and Casey Bertini decided to focus their project on the evolution and combination of Eastern and Western martial arts.

Hahn and Bertini placed large blue gymnastic-style mats in the front lobby and proceeded to demonstrate, and teach volunteers from the class three of the most basic UFC moves.  The moves were based on a combination of western wrestling and boxing with eastern Judo and Jujutsu styles.

The girls performed step-by-step tutorials of the arm bar, bicep slicer and triangular choke hold moves, encouraging classmates to try as well.

“The moves aren’t very difficult,” said Bertini. “I learned them on my first try.”

The presentation proved to be a unique occurrence, surprising unaware students.

Caroline Dorminey, senior, was skeptical.

“If someone told me that there was a ‘ninja fight’ in the lobby during 4th period, I don’t think I would buy it.  Sorry.”

Despite disbelieving student’s disenchanted reactions, the fight raises an interesting question.  What happens in the Leesville hallways during class?

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