The women’s golf trio

Kristen Jones grabs a ride to the next hole during a match at NC State’s Lonnie Poole. Jones is one of two returning players.
Kristen Jones grabs a ride to the next hole during a match at NC State’s Lonnie Poole. Jones is one of two returning players.

This year’s women’s golf team may be small, but they have heart.

The team consists of three players — Alison Boegel, sophomore, Kristen Jones, junior, and Mary Lewis, sophomore. With such a small team, every stroke counts.

Jeremy Davis coaches the team, and believes the pressure helps the girls’ game.

“The two girls who returned — Mary and Kristen — both started out shooting their best round from the year before, and Allison had never played until this year, and she’s hitting the ball fantastically,” said Davis.

Despite this, the small team is the biggest obstacle the girls have to overcome this year. With a larger team, only three girls’ scores would count — with a three-girl-team, all three matter.

“If one girl has a bad match, you can’t flip-flop it with another [girl’s scores],” said Davis.

As Davis said, the girls are handling the pressure really well.

“[We’re doing] good for having only three people, and one of us is a beginner, so we try to help each other out,” said Lewis.

As the season continues, each girl keeps improving her game.

“We keep getting better, and it’s exciting to make progress as a team,” Lewis said.

Boegel started playing golf over the summer, and has picked up the game wonderfully.

“[Boegel] is hitting the ball fantastically,” said Davis.

At any given golf practice, the team goes to the driving range and hits a bucket of balls, working on chipping and putting, or plays nine holes of golf, working on lowering their scores.

“We do practice and work on stuff, but Coach Davis makes it fun,” said Boegel.

Even though the girls are doing well with three people, Davis says they could always use more.

“A lot of people don’t know this, but the most unclaimed women’s scholarships are in golf,” Davis said.

The golf team has been doing great, and hopes to make it to Regionals — maybe even States. Either way, they’ll have a good time.



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