Students campaign for student council

Rachel McIrvine , sophomore, and Sam Timmons, sophomore, beside their campaign posters in the school stairwell. This year, students voted using their student email instead of the traditional paper ballots.

During campaign season at Leesville Road High School, masses of campaign posters and stickers filled the halls. On April 11 and 12, students had the opportunity to vote for next year’s executive and student council positions.

The students who ran for executive and student council positions need to meet specific qualifications and follow certain guidelines in order to be eligible to run.

However, aside from being qualified, they must also be prepared to fulfill the responsibilities for their respective positions. Candidates must also share the ultimate responsibilities of representing the student body and assuming any additional duties deemed necessary.

Though being on the student council is a challenge and a responsibility, candidates understand their roles and duties. The candidates also identify it as a chance to give back and show support for the school.

“I like helping our student body, and making it easier for everyone at homecoming and prom,” said Griffin Sullivan, sophomore, who has served as treasurer for the past two years.

Many also see the student council as an opportunity to grow leadership strengths for now and later in life.

“I want to be in a leadership position because I think it will help me further in life, and help me with getting into college and preparing me for jobs,” said Henry Lee, sophomore, who is running against Sullivan for Junior Treasurer.

As experienced and new candidates like Sullivan and Lee battled for coveted positions, certain rules needed to abided by to ensure fairness and equal opportunity to all candidates during the election process.

Some of these rules included only hanging a maximum of six campaign posters around the school and restricting items such as candy, flyers, or t-shirts.

In the final stages of the campaigning process, students prepared a 30-45 second speech to deliver to the student body. The speeches discussed the candidates strengths, and qualifications, and were recorded on camera.

As opposed to previous years where paper ballots were used to vote for student council, this year students voted online using their student emails.

The results of the 2016 student elections:

Position Council
Executive Senior Junior Sophomore
President Ardeshir Pirzadeh Carson Rainey Sidney Credle McKenna Daley
Vice President Hali Christensen & Erika Nelson Heidi Kreis & Jordan Hayes Rachel McIrvine & Ben Zahavi Ainsley Duke & Thomas Hogan
Secretary Taylor Hill N/A Sam Timmons Brenna Murray
Treasurer Drew Swiniarski N/A Griffin Sullivan Byung Lee
Sergeant at Arms Caroline Konrad N/A Ryan Welton N/A
Representative N/A Alexa Chung N/A Hannah Woody



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