Many colleges have released their decisions, and Friday January 24, 2025 included some pretty big names, like NC State, UNC Chapel Hill, and the University of Miami.
These decisions are only for those who applied for early action, and regular action decisions will come out towards the end of March.
Other schools like UNC Wilmington, ECU, and App State released their decisions earlier in the year.
As more and more schools release decisions, students have to start weighing their options of which school they may want to attend.
Elijah Bare, senior, who has been accepted into UNC Charlotte said, “I toured it and liked it a lot, they are also good for computer science.” He also mentioned that he had applied and been accepted to NC state.
Other students may not have been so lucky — Student Services sent out an email to all students who applied to NC State which stated close to half of LRHS students who applied to State got deferred.
Another consideration with college decisions is if the campus is local or not. Students going to Charlotte or Wilmington are required to live on campus per school policy
Staying local, on the other hand, allows students to possibly live at home after their first year — many schools require you to live on campus unless you have an exception — and saving some money on housing.
College is a valuable experience for anyone who attends, and the decision of where is definitely one of the biggest.

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