In the 2024 election year, we see advertisements for every political position we could imagine. These advertisements can be text messages, phone calls, and political signs, but the one advertisement everyone sees are political signs. They sit on the medians and sides of roads, these signs usually have quick readable phrases that will help you recall which sign you saw. When you see one of these signs you’ll usually see about 10-20 more lurking around corners and buildings nearby.
When wondering the purpose of these signs, the immediate thought is “oh yeah that makes sense! They’re trying to promote themselves.” While yes, it is putting their name out there, and you are seeing recurring signs and recurring names, but who is going to change their political opinion based on a piece of cardboard.
Hannah Holder, junior, said, “I think it’s pointless. The only thing they do is let more trash on our planet.”
Whenever these signs are out, they are supposed to get removed 10 days after the primary election. In reality political signs are left up for much longer, weather can remove signs causing them to get caught in runoff from rain and even fall into wildlife reserves.
Fisher Journigan, senior, said, “It’s a good way to advertise definitely, it would definitely get more people to come out and vote.” He mentions that with all of the recurring signs and seeing them so frequently, it serves as a constant reminder to cast your vote.

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