
This year, Repticon was hosted in Raleigh on May 25 and 26, 2024. Tickets for this event span from $6-15 depending on how many days a person chooses to participate, and their age. Children four and under enter for free.

At this convention, you can expect to find panels of different companies discussing various topics regarding wildlife. Some topics include proper care, how to choose the right animal for you, and showcasing of pythons and other snake species. 

Like many other cons, you can purchase merchandise including posters, accessories, and many more miscellaneous items. Repticon, however, offers a unique opportunity to its participants, allowing them to buy some of the animals being showcased.

For those who aren’t interested in purchasing their own animals, most can be handled with care and supervision, and unlike stores that put animals on display in horrible conditions and little attention, Repticon animals are delicately cared for to eventually become pets.

“It gave me an opportunity to see a bunch of different animals and the ways people preserve and present their hobbies … There is art as well, I bought one of the butterfly displays,” said Victoria Taton, senior.

The main purpose of Repticon is to spread awareness about owning exotic animals and the proper care that comes with owning one. Panels are typically held on the first day of the con and can range from showing off different types of animals to the specific and proper care for each of them.

Repticon is recommended for all ages for those curious in owning their own reptile and/or amphibian, or those just wanting to hold and spend a day with animals.

Repticon will be returning to the Agri Supply Exposition Center in Raleigh on August 10 and 11, be sure to visit and experience Repticon for yourself!

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