Many students at Leesville use summer break as an opportunity to earn a little extra cash. Having a job can be a great way to earn money, while also teaching personal and fiscal responsibility.  Some students also get a job as something to do during the summer months. Brandon Hirsch, junior, was a lifeguard and…

Students’ Summer Jobs

Many students at Leesville use summer break as an opportunity to earn a little extra cash. Having a job can be a great way to earn money, while also teaching personal and fiscal responsibility. 

Some students also get a job as something to do during the summer months. Brandon Hirsch, junior, was a lifeguard and camp counselor at the Jewish Community Center said, “[I got a job] more for fun. Otherwise I would be sitting around and doing nothing all summer, and I got to be with all my friends that I’ve known for a decade.” 

Others, like Brody Crafts, junior, work at Publix due to parental pressure. “My parents told me to,” said Crafts. Many parents feel that it is important for their children to experience a taste of the “real world” before they graduate from high school, which predominantly comes in the form of having a job. 

While Hirsch and Crafts may have different opinions on why they keep their jobs, they both enjoy their jobs.  

Hirsch said, “I love getting to hang with my friends, my coworkers, and also with the kids.” 

Crafts on the other hand, said “I’ve been there long enough where I’m too lazy to quit.” 

Neither complained about the pay and both were satisfied with their wages. Crafts said, “I get paid well.”

Summer jobs are a great way for students to have fun, please their parents, and make some money. While Hirsch has no plans to keep his job during the school year, Crafts said, “[I am keeping my job] because I have no reason to leave,” over text.

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