Voter Registration Club is a new club at Leesville Road High School. Its goal is to get as many students as possible to register to vote.
The demographic 18-29 year olds are historically the lowest percentage of voters, so the Voter Registration Club is determined to change that.
This club encourages students to make a difference in the community and in the nation, as North Carolina is one of the swing states in elections. They can do something about what they believe in, a truly amazing opportunity for high schoolers.
“I think voter registration is so important because we are so lucky to have this right to decide what officials represent us. There is an increasing age and race gap forming which is why it’s important to encourage as many people to get registered and make a change,” said Claire Theunissen, president of the Voter Registration Club at Leesville, via text.
The younger age demographic in politics has lagged recently, another reason why the club is so important for Leesville students to join. “I think this club is incredibly important because we have consistently seen a staggering level of disengagement in politics among youth and it needs to end. Politics are incredibly important and affect our everyday lives so I think it’s important for us to have this club to get students registered to vote and educated about the electoral process,” said Logan Kaelin, Secretary of the Voter Registration Club at Leesville, via text.
Unfortunately, there is not a lot of outreach to younger voters from the national government, as the voting processes are often long and complicated. The Voter Registration Club hopes to simplify the process and make it easier for young voters to cast their vote.
“It takes so much time and effort to get the US ready for an election, and with the levels of voter suppression we see in our modern elections, the results are disheartening. That is why it is so important to reach out to our peers and educate them on what they need to be doing to ensure the best voter turnout possible,” said Meg Sandy, Vice President of the Voter Registration Club at Leesville, via text.
Even those who are not old enough to vote yet can still make a difference in the election, an important part to the Voter Registration Club. “I personally cannot vote by 4 days because I turn 18 november 7th, and as someone who wants to be involved and vote so badly, the next best thing is to make sure everyone else votes,” wrote Theunissen.
Similarly, Kaelin will be 17 on election day and therefore ineligible to vote, but he still wants to make a difference in the election, which is why he decided to join the Voter Registration Club.
“There are many issues important to me such as healthcare, the environment, equal rights, and racial injustice that I hope I will be able to make a difference in,” wrote Kaelin.
Other members who are eligible to vote still want to spread awareness to their peers, which is why they joined the club. “Being a part of this club seemed like a great way to motivate my friends and other teens to vote,” said Kennedy Jones, Treasurer of Voter Registration Club at Leesville, via text.
“I wanted to be a leader in fighting to close the age gap in voting. I also think it’s really important for students to be involved and aware of what’s happening in the local and national government,” said Makenzie Schlegel, publicity chair of Voter Registration Club, via text.
It is really easy to join the Voter Registration Club. Just text @lrhsvotes to 810-10 to join the REMIND which sends out information about meetings and how to register to vote. There is also an instagram, @lrhsvotes, which sends out information similar to the Remind. Theunissen also welcomes new members to email her at her school email: if they have any questions.
The Voter Registration Club aims at educating students and the whole Leesville community about the importance of voting, and the difference everyone can make, no matter their age or eligibility. It also brings light into important issues such as voter suppression and the age gap in voting. “The purpose of the club is to teach our school about the impact we have as a generation, that making sure your voice is heard is important, that voting is something you should take pride in and step up to,” wrote Sandy.
There are several methods to register or preregister for voting in the 2020 presidential election. “Students can register to vote online on the NC State Board of Elections website and they must be registered to vote by October 9th in order to vote in the upcoming November election,” wrote Kaelin.
“They can click the link in our bio on instagram to take them through the steps of registering or pregesteristering!!” wrote Shlegel.
“If you will be 18 by November 3, you can register to vote for this years election, and either go to the polls to place your vote or request an absentee ballot,” wrote Theuninssen.
You can also register as a voter when you turn 16 at the DMV, which is another thing this club is pushing for. Even if you are too young to vote, they want to see you registering. Students can go to to register.

Hi! My name is Abigail and I am a senior editor for The Mycenaean. I am also a member of Leesville’s cross country team and track team, as well as the president of National Technical Honor Society.
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