Leesville lax

Lacrosse is a popular sport here at Leesville Road High, both for women and men. The women’s lacrosse team began official practices a couple weeks ago and have already started to work hard. They have big goals and are looking forward to a season of winning games and growing closer as a team.

 “I like doing as much as I can to help us score and win, and  I love seeing people support me and my team,” said senior Victoria Rodriguez. She has been playing for all four years of high school and feels a close connection with her team. “Lacrosse has helped me throughout my high school career by giving me something to do and look forward to, and has also helped give something to work hard to get better at.” 

The Leesville team values a strong bond of friendship between the girls. A big part of the game is to communicate and work together, as well as always being supportive. They have started doing team dinners, which is good for the players and coaches to relax. “We do many activities to get to know each other better, our coach always says we’re like a family,” said Hannah Woodard, a sophmore on the team. The team has three great coaches — Coach McLemore and Clawson for the varsity, and and Coach Walton for JV. They are no doubt devoted to helping their players succeed and are always there to help and support. 

Practice is every day after school, the girls start off with warm ups and running, then stretches and drills, and sometimes they play scrimmages to get experience before real games. Even though lacrosse requires commitment and hard work, it is worth it to get stronger, have fun, and meet new friends. “It’s rewarding because even if we don’t succeed we know we did our best and are proud of our accomplishments,” Woodard said.

This season holds many great things for the women’s team and with the help of their amazing coaches there are sure to be many successes to come.

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