Freshmen: One Semester Down

The transition from middle school to high school is never easy, but once the “newbies” of high school, freshmen grow accustomed to their new home, everyday tasks become easier. Many freshmen can be easily lost in the labyrinth due to their unfamiliarity around their school.

Many freshmen believe the upperclassmen perceive the 9th graders to all be immature and bothersome, when sometimes it’s the furthest from the truth.

However, with one semester under their belt, some freshman, like Caroline Stillwell, learned many lessons just within the first eighteen weeks of high school.

“I’ve learned to work hard and to pay attention in class.. Have a good, fresh start and try hard from the beginning to build up your GPA.”

Every person in high school is currently or previously was a freshman at some point in their lives. The bottom of the “food chain” in high school does not necessarily mean terrible things will happen to freshmen; but freshman year is never all positive and encouraging.

“Freshmen are looked down upon as they’re seen as immature by upperclassmen. For some, that’s true, but for many freshmen it’s just untrue,” said Josh Cash, freshman.

Aditi Yerra is one of the select few freshman who started off high school with Spanish II as one of her classes. However, she thinks being in such a class as a freshman is nowhere near a big deal. “People just think I’m [extra] smart, when in reality, I was just given the option to take Spanish early in middle school,” Most students are usually shocked to see freshmen taking classes with upperclassmen, but Yerra is unbothered.

Yerra also offers a few simple tips to the upcoming class of 2023, the next class of freshmen preparing to enter Leesville: “[My tips are]: be calm and collected, and don’t be annoying,” said Yerra.

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