Class Rings are In!

Many seniors who ordered their class rings, went to the main lobby to pick them up. Collin Dail tried his ring on after picking it up. (Photo courtesy of Hannah Comeskey)

On Tuesday, December 6 during SMART Lunch, seniors lined up in the lobby of the main building to receive the senior rings ordered at the beginning of the school year. Many Leesville seniors have been anticipating their arrival since the forms to purchase were due.

Class rings are a high school tradition and have been a part of the Leesville senior experience since the school opened in 1993. Leesville has ordered the class rings from Jostens since the school has opened. For those of you who may not know what class rings look like, they usually have your graduating class, your school’s name, and your birthstone. Some rings can be made personalizable by having your name and a symbol of your hobby.

Collin Dail, Leesville senior who ordered a ring, said, “I just wanted something to remember high school by… [my ring] has something from chorus on it, and I have been in chorus for three years, I’d like to remember that somehow.”

Class rings are a way to remember your time during high school. They act as a small keepsake that you will always have. As students grow older, graduate high school, graduate college, and eventually find a job, they may not remember the names of all of their teachers or the names of all of their classmates. Owning a class ring is viewed as a memory of the years spent in high school that helped shape who they are.


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