Review: The SixthSense Device

Pranav Mistry brought fame to himself with his great feats in the computer science field and revolutionary inventions. He currently holds the title of Global Vice President of Research at Samsung and the head of the Think Tank Team. He invented Mouseless, SPARSH, TeleTouch, but is best known for his SixthSense Device.

“How can we leverage our knowledge about everyday objects and how we use them to our interaction with the digital world,” Mistry said, in his Ted Talk presentation. This essential question guided him in developing his SixthSense Device.

The possibilities of Pranav Mistry’s SixthSense Device are endless due to this new technology that connects the physical world with the digital world. The device could revolutionize the technology field because it can function as a computer, phone, projector, and camera. This device has the potential to replace all other digital devices like smartphones.

“You can carry the digital world with you wherever you go. You can start using any surface any wall around you as an interface. The camera is actually tracking audio gestures, whatever you are doing with your hands, it understanding that gestures,” said Mistry in his Ted Talk presentation.

Mistry’s device understands your gestures through a Multi-Touch system that is worn on the user’s index fingers and thumbs. For example, you can project a map on a wall and zoom in or out with the pinch of your fingers.

“How about I take my digital world and paint the physical world with that digital information,” Mistry thought.

This device has unlimited functions, some of which include making phone calls, playing games, or surfing the web. The projector projects whatever your doing on the surface of your choice, so your privacy varies with the surface you choose. For example, you could project a paint application at a wall and begin painting. In this case your fingers are acting like paint a paint brush on the device. This is just one neat feature of the SixthSense Device.

“I was trying to bring part of the physical world to the digital world,” said Mistry. By combining the two worlds together Mistry could eliminate the need for mobile devices. A mobile device prohibits users from accessing more than one “world” at a time, but this device allows both worlds to coexist.

The technology is so intriguing because it allows you to take material projected through his SixthSense Device and put it on an actual desktop by simply pinching the material you want and dropping it into the computer. Mistry’s device enables the user to take information from a physical document, and print a new physical document all through the pinch of your fingers.

The SixthSense device itself is worn like a necklace and sits around the user’s chest. This part of the device contains a pocket projector, camera, and a mirror. The camera and projector are connected to a mobile computing device in the user’s pocket. This allows the users to become move involved with the physical world because they are not actually looking at some sort of digital screen.

“I think that integrating information to our everyday objects will not only help us get rid of the digital divide… but will also help us in some way to be human, to be more connected to our physical environment or surroundings, and it will actually help us not end up being machines sitting in front of other machines,” said Mistry.

To top everything off, Mistry is going to make this information public so that everyone can have access. He is focused on giving these devices to the masses, rather than keeping it private.

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