On Friday, January 3, the PNC Arena kicked off the one of the biggest tours in the nation, Winter Jam. In terms of attendance, the Christianity-based tour has been #1 in the world for the last three years. The tour is ten acts for ten dollars, certainly an affordable concert. This year saw many interesting…

Winter Jam 2014 kicks off in Raleigh

On Friday, January 3, the PNC Arena kicked off the one of the biggest tours in the nation, Winter Jam. In terms of attendance, the Christianity-based tour has been #1 in the world for the last three years.

The tour is ten acts for ten dollars, certainly an affordable concert. This year saw many interesting artists join the tour, including American Idol finalist Colton Dixon, popular band Tenth Avenue North, 29-year-old band the Newsboys, and 2013 Grammy winner, Lecrae.

While the concert started at 7 p.m., the PNC Arena saw people start to camp out for good seats as early as 1 p.m.

Ben Bailey, senior, attending for his third consecutive year, liked the diversity this year. “A lot of it used to be just contemporary, but this year they did a lot more things, like hip-hop and rap.”

The performances saw new and interesting performances, including an artist painting the face of Jesus while a band was playing. The painting, which was finished at the end of the performance, would later to be auctioned off to charity.

The concert capped off with the Newsboys, who had a captivating performance. Drummer Duncan Phillips was upside down for one part, and lead singer Michael Tait flew around the crowd in a lift for another part.

For $10, one couldn’t ask for a much better time than 10 acts, as Winter Jam once again proved to be another success.

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