An Eyre of excitement

Draper and McGuire taking a bow after a wonderful performance. The cast practiced from 2:18 to 6:00 most days.
Draper and McGuire taking a bow after a wonderful performance. The cast practiced from 2:18 to 6:00 most days.

Long before girls swooned over Jacob and Edward in Twilight, they dreamed about Charlotte Bronte’s hero Mr. Rochester. The brooding and misunderstood Rochester was brought to life by Kordell Draper in the Leesville Road High School Theater Department production of Jane Eyre.

With Draper’s vibrant persona and skillful voice inflection, the play could not help but be a success.

Jesse McGuire played the title character, Jane Eyre. McGuire, a senior at Leesville, acted the shy but lovely Eyre almost to perfection. She was audible, full of emotion and stayed in character the whole time.

Jane Eyre was originally a novel written. In the novel, Jane Eyre was hired as a governess to Mr. Rochester’s daughter, Adele, but Rochester is hiding something in the West Wing–his wife, Bertha Mason.

Mason, played by Kristen Hommel, senior, was the most convincing yet haunting character. Her sudden screams and laughs made the audience jump out of their seat every time.

The cast was not the only extraordinary thing on stage. The set and costumes were outstanding. The background was painted and furnished with such intricacy so as to transport the audience to mid-19th century England.

The costumes and makeup were brilliant as well. The costumes were realistic to what one would imagine people would wear in the 1840s.

Overall, the play was masterfully put together. Leesville Road High School Theatre Department should be pleased, as the audience certainly was.


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