Thanksgiving unites families

On November 22, 2011 at 2:18 p.m., Leesville Road High School students’ Thanksgiving break begins.

The first thing that comes to mind for most students is the 5 day break from school, but the way the spend their time varies from family to family.

Most families have the traditional turkey and stuffing, but some are more creative and unique.

“Typically families cook their food together and sit down and eat one big meal. Not my family. We cook the day before and start eating when we wake up and don’t stop until we go to sleep. My grandma and I make fudge every year. It’s delicious,” Kim Talton, junior, said.

Usually when people think about Thanksgiving, it’s good memories spent with family and a break from school. Unfortunately, some students’ past Thanksgivings don’t always go as planned. Several students share their stories.

Mikela Kuhnel, sophomore, recalls a scary Thanksgiving experience. “Last year my dad was cooking turkey under the beach house by himself. When he came upstairs to get some plates, I looked outside and saw flames coming up from where the grill was. Everyone thought the house was on fire. We ran out of the house screaming until my dad put it out. He’s not allowed to cook outside by himself anymore.”

Mackenzie Robinson, junior, reflects on her latest Thanksgiving disaster. “A couple years back my whole family came over for Thanksgiving. Everything was going perfect until we heard a loud noise in the kitchen. We all ran in there to find my dog chowing down on the cooked turkey that must have fallen to the floor. It was awful.”

Robinson faced disaster, but she’s not the only one that had a rough Thanksgiving.

“Last  year me and my dad tried deep frying our turkey in our backyard and the deep fryer exploded. I smelt like peanut oil for days… And to top it all off, I had to get my turkey from KFC,” Peter Klavins, senior, explained.

Whether Leesville students enjoy Thanksgiving because they don’t have school, or because they enjoy  spending time with their family, it’s a time to relax and enjoy people you care about.

It’s not really important that bad things happen, it’s more important about the memories made with loved ones.

“We look back on that Thanksgiving and laugh now, it brought us even closer together,” Kuhnel explained.

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