Sponsored by the American Library Association, National Library Week dedicates each day to a specific part of the library, including the workers, the bookmobile, and teen literature.
Elizabeth Johnson, media specialist, is the creator behind the whole contest. “I’ve spent a lot of time coming up with ideas,” said Johnson.
For the contest, due date April 8, students create a poster for their favorite book, fiction or nonfiction. It can be an illustration of a major scene from the novel, an advertisement for its movie, or an alternate cover. Students can create their artwork with any medium so long as it is hand-created; no digital work is allowed.
The back of the poster must contain the participant’s full name, the title and author of the featured book, and the theme of the poster, whether a cover, movie ad, depiction of a specific scene, etc.
On April 13, teachers will have the opportunity to vote on the final designs. The winner will receive the grand prize: a new book of their choice and a Chick-fil-a gift card.
For more information, ask Elizabeth Johnson in the media center at LRHS.
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