Snow Make-Up Days Disrupt Students’ Plans


Due to snow, Wake County Schools cancelled classes Feb. 1-3.  Although the snow provided a temporary vacation, many students are not pleased with the placement of the make-up days.

In order to satisfy the requirement of fulfilling 180 school days, students must attend school on Feb. 15, a previous teacher workday, March 29, the first day of spring break, and June 10.

Seniors are especially angry about the Spring Break make-up day.

Linda Cui, senior, said, “I was going to make plans, but now I can’t.  If I want to be exempt from my exams, I have to come to school.”

Brittney Glover, senior, agrees. “I enjoyed the snow days but I know by the time spring break rolls around I’ll be dying for a vacation.”

Students with pre-determined plans are placed in a tough situation as well.

Clara Hicks, junior, was forced to cancel vacation plans due to the snow.  “My mom is really strict, and she was pretty gun-ho about me not missing school.  She decided to cancel our trip to the beach, so I could go to school.”

Some students believe the make-up days are pointless, because many students will not even show up.

Alissa Locke, senior, said, “I don’t see the point of having make-up days, because the majority of underclassmen will skip out.  There’s even a group on Facebook about skipping the Spring Break make-up days.  It’s just a waste of time.”

Pat Fitzgerald and Ellen Barnick, Leesvillle’s attendance ladies, sympathize with students.  “We understand that the students are upset, and if you have a reservation we respect that.  We’re just jealous we can’t go with you.”


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