District, state, and national student council conferences are an important element of what student council is. These conferences provide students a range of leadership and knowledge opportunities.
Elliot Worth, Maya Hardison, Kendall Fetzer, Elena Faddoul, and Ms. Keysha Mayfield (advisor) spent the day learning from two speakers and a variety of workshop leaders, receiving leadership techniques to take back to LRHS in order to create a more successful leadership program.
Dr. Sonny Kelly, CEO and Lead Teacher/Learner of Legacy Heirs Productions Inc., opened the day’s public session with a talk about confidence and self-awareness. The students participating then rotated through a series of seminars covering a variety of leadership skills, as well as activities such as a networking session and a mental wellness session that featured chair yoga. The day concluded with a final session that included remarks from Mr. Demetrius Haddock, a speaker who expressed the need for mental health in school.
While the day was packed with activities and networking, the students who took part were pleased with the connections and lessons they gained from this event.
Elliot Worth, student body president, commented on the fact that she felt strongly fond of these workshops because they helped her develop friendships and connections, “my favorite workshop was networking because I was able to meet a lot of people from different student councils and listen to their ideas. I also got to connect with them online so I can continue to see what they are doing with their student councils and build off of their ideas at Leesville,” said Worth.
It is clear that her experience at the convention was beneficial, and she believes that activities like this not only help her enhance her abilities as a leader in our school but also help her bond and form friendships that she would not have had otherwise.
“I walked away with new student perspectives on topics such as public speaking, confidence in leadership, networking, ice breakers, and mental health awareness. I would love to use the things I learned to improve the student council and overall well-being of Leesville by sharing new ideas with the council so we can build off of them and create school events based on our needs. I can also use tips on public speaking and confidence to continue leadership in the council,” said Worth.
Several other students participated in the events of the day or served as officers in the group. Cumberland Polytechnic HS students Tanya Wilmore and Ivana Afegnui gave a lecture on “Council Communication & Social Media Marketing.” Both of these students had been on their school council from the beginning of high school, and this presentation served to emphasize the importance of social media in school-wide activities to them.
Kendall Fetzer can agree on the fact that Tanya and Ivana’s workshop was impactful toward her and the LRHS community. “Seeing as I was just elected as Vice President of the Latin Club, I was able to see this from a new perspective. I was able to see how I can show off the events that we host, for example the trick or treating one,” said Fetzer.
This session opened her eyes to the fact that there is much more that can be advertised, prompting students to join her and other school leaders in school-wide activities. “In the skillshop, we talked about how we can promote school events more, keeping every student involved, and having many opportunities in the community. This also led me to re-open the Latin club’s instagram account and brainstorm printing ideas, such as creative posters that draw attention from students.”
Maya Harding, Executive Council Treasurer, is another student who found this conference beneficial to her time at LRHS. This conference, according to Harding, was not just about leadership, but also about real-life difficulties students experience.“My favorite workshop of all the ones I attended is Overcoming Adversity; it not only provided a platform myself and others could speak on, but potential solutions for the stress problems come with,” said Hardison.
This conference has far-reaching impacts outside of the classroom. LRHS students and advisors will have the option to attend other NCASC activities throughout the year, concluding with the annual State Convention on March 10-12 at Gray’s Creek High School in Hope Mills.
Ideally, the LRHS councils will continue to gain additional leadership abilities and advocate ideas that will benefit the student body.

Hi! My name is Elena Faddoul, and I am a senior editor at The Mycenaean. In my free time, I like to read and spend time with family and friends.
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